Monday, 30 March 2009

Double Yellow Lines.

I'm off to the Grand National on Saturday, can't wait! Half 8 meet, that is AM. Going to drink so much Stella that I hope it is coming out of my eyes by the end of it!

Been on an eBAy binge this week, got some rather swish new kicks, bumpers, wheels or for you normal people trainers.

I think they're rather smart. £13 from Schuh, if thats how you spell it!


Monday, 23 March 2009

I'm baaack!

London was the bomb, no doubt about it, best place in England. Good food, beer and nice to see the cousins and aunties for the first time this year!

Tune for the week:

Absolute tune.

Just downloaded some new apps for my iTouch, reviews to come soon!

Our pro for this season now can't come due to injury which is a bit of a ball ache! For more news on LHCC go here

Loving Twitter too at the moment! Add me!
<----------------See here!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

I'm back....

London was amazing, good to see the cousins and the rest of the family. London is so different compared to up in good old Lancashire. Back to work today, but off tomorrow so that's all alreeeet!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Off to LDN

So I'm off to LDN tonight to see the sights and what not. Down till Tuesday so should be a good break away from work. Days off work are so good when they have a purpose, sat in bed all day is no good, might as well go to work and get paid for it!

Just updating my iPod Touch, new tunes. Pete Doherty's new album Grace/Wastelands is quite good on the first listen, especially if you're into the chill out Doherty.

My reccomendation for this week is The View's new album Which Bitch? I've been a fan of these ever since I saw them supporting Kasabian, been to see them 13 times! (Obsessive) but there's something about there music that is just so addictive.

Looking for some new apps for my iTouch, anyone got any reccomendations?

The View - Listen Up (Oasis Cover)

The View are my favourite band full stop. No questions asked, and when they covered my favourite Oasis song, this was a dream come true! See below:

Hello and Welcome!

This is my blog. Blogging isn't new to me, I have one set up on my Cricket Club's site, and had one set up through WordPress. Just thought I'd get a quick one back up online.

I will mainly use this for Music posts, and just general updates on my day to day going on's.

Off to London this weekend to see the family, should be a good laugh, many beers etc...

Will catch up later on..